Out-Of-The-Box vs. Customized Solution Implementation.
This webinar introduces some of the best practices to analyze when considering Out-Of-The-Box or Customized Solution Implementation. Our Experts discuss both their advantages and disadvantages in order for you to gain insights into the industry trends.
Andea Experts:

Tadeusz Dyduch
Tadeusz is the VP of Innovation Department at Andea, provider of the Manufacturo platform, and one of the company’s co-founders. He has over 20 years of experience in creating innovative applications for the manufacturing sector and product management in the domain of Manufacturing Execution Systems. His passion and professional goal is to develop solutions that have an immediate positive impact on Andea customers’ businesses. Tadeusz earned his MSc degree in Computer Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

Grzegorz Fura
Grzegorz is the VP of Services Department at Andea and one of the company’s co-founders. His responsibilities include applications and solutions architecture, knowledge management, and quality standards assurance. He has 23 years of professional experience, including 19 years with Manufacturing Execution Systems. Grzegorz is recognized by customers and his colleague as a trusted adviser and professional team player. Grzegorz has graduated from the Rzeszow University of Technology where he received his MSc in Control and Computer Engineering
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Improve your laboratory efficiency and streamlining planning processes
Improve your laboratory efficiency and streamlining planning processes Digital transformation in life science happens continuously, quickly, and in front of our eyes. Changes are driven